CITA RSS Aggregator newsfeed

CITA RSS Aggregator newsfeed

RSS Aggregator > Download > Requirements and features


The Aggregator's requirements are largely driven by those of the .NET framework:

Although Internet Explorer is a requirement, you can instruct the Aggregator to use your default browser (which could be Firefox or Mozilla, for example) to display pages. Screen shot. We have also built an interface that allows you to integrate the Aggregator with FireFox 2.0.

Technically the Aggregator can use a dial-up connection, but you will only get the major benefits from RSS if you have an always-on Internet connection.

The Aggregator takes only a couple of megabytes of disk space.


The latest version is 2.7. You can see the improvements we made in this version - and, if you are already using the Aggregator, which version you are running - here.

To install this version, follow the install procedure here. Note that this will not replace your settings or your channels.


The Aggregator monitors RSS and Atom channels you are interested in, and alerts you to changes. Screen shot

Here's a list of the main features:

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