CITA RSS Aggregator newsfeed

CITA RSS Aggregator newsfeed

RSS Aggregator>Support>Find feeds

There are literally thousands of RSS feeds (or channels) available. You have several methods you can use to track down the feeds you need:

The following sections provide more detail on each technique...

Feed detection by the Aggregator

When you display web pages using the Aggregator's internal web browser it will display a message like this at the top of the page if it detects that it points to an RSS feed:

Click to add feed

If you want to add the feed to the Aggregator, click the message and you will see the add new channels screen already populated with the address of the channel.

If the page points to multiple RSS feeds you will see this message:

Click to add feeds

When you click the message you will see the add new channels screen. Click the drop down arrow to see a list of available feeds. Having added a feed the message at the top of the web page will be updated so you can click it again to add more feeds.

Look for the XML logo

As you use web sites, be on the look-out for one of these logos:

This indicates the site has an RSS feed that you can add to the Aggregator.

Also, some sites that have many RSS feeds, publish subsites dedicated to RSS. Here are just three examples:

From the BBC:
From Microsoft:
From Yahoo:

The Yahoo service deserves special mention. You can get a financial newsfeed on any US quoted company by subscribing to feed: '' where xxx is the relevant stock symbol. For example, '' provides a feed of information about General Motors.

Check out the RSS listing sites

The following sites all provide listings of RSS feeds. The most quoted source, however, is Syndic8 and we suggest you start here when looking for new feeds:

News is free:
Podcast Alley:

This list is not exhaustive by any means. Your favourite search engine will be able to find many more, some dedicated to certain business sectors.

Of course, these sites publish their own RSS feeds to keep you up-to-date with new feeds.

Swap channels with friends and colleagues

You will have many interests in common with your friends and colleagues. If you encourage them to start using RSS feeds you can swap details of new feeds with them. Note that the Aggregator allows you to selectively import feeds from, and export feeds to, other aggregator users.

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