
This page describes some of the steps we've taken to make this site accessible to, and usable by, as many people as possible. It describes:


We believe this site adheres to the accessibility guidelines documented by the W3C as described in its document "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0" to double-A standard. We have also implemented much, if not all, of the triple A standard. We are aware of just one exception. We require you to have Javascript enabled. The site will not work as intended, otherwise.

Adherence to the W3C standard means that we have taken steps to ensure the site is accessible to as many people as possible including those who are: sight, hearing or otherwise physically impaired.

It also means we can use automated tools to verify that each page conforms to a strict standard. That helps minimises the possibility of errors or problems while you are using it.

We believe this site also adheres to the standards set out in the e-Government universal accessibility handbook which, itself, makes considerable reference to the W3C standards.

We are keen to ensure this site is useful to as many people as possible. If you do encounter a problem please let us know.

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