Finding torrents to download

If you are interested in finding something in particular, the simplest way is to use your normal search engine and append "torrent" to your search term.

If you want to browse what's available, there are search engines dedicated to torrents. search for "search torrent" and you will find loads of them. My personal favourites are:

  1. Mininova - one of the most popular torrent search engines. Provides access to all kinds of torrent file.
  2. EZTV. This is a good site for TV programs. Downloading from here is illegal in many countries but the studios do little to prevent it and some positively encourage it. I particularly like the 'My Page' feature that allows you to track new torrents for shows you are interested in.
    At the time of writing, the above link does not work. It throws you out to Google. If you encounter this problem, you can get to the site at
  3. BitTorrent - originally (and still) the site for downloading the first BitTorrent client, it has since developed into a major source for legal torrent files that are either free or that come at a charge.

The above are all open search engines. You do not need to sign up to start using torrents. You will also find some closed communities. You have to join them before starting to use their torrents. Their chief advantage is that they monitor your upload and download behaviour and if they see you are not uploading your share of data they will bar you from the community. As a result you should see better download rates. I have yet to find an effective closed community, however. The ones I've tried have very small swarms.

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