The Local Information System mailing list

Please subscribe to the mailing list if you want to be kept informed of Local Information System developments.

We promise not to use your email address for any other purpose

We don't send a large number of emails and we don't use the list for anything else. We promise not to use your email address for any other purpose and we won't pass it on to anyone else.

You can use this page to remove yourself from the list at any time. If your old email address is no longer working let us know and we'll remove it manually.

If you want to change your email address: unsubscribe your old address and subscribe to your new one. If you want to change the details we hold for your email address, simply subscribe again; we will overwrite our records, you won't get duplicate emails.

If you encounter a problem subscribing or unsubscribing - or if you want more information - please let us know.

I want to:

Please provide the following information:

Your email address:

Your email address again for confirmation:

Your name or job title (for email addressing):

Which CAB bureau do you represent? (alternatively, what is your interest in the system?):

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We've put a copy of the Local Information System online for you to play with. There's nothing to install, it's just another web site.