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Version: 5.01

Partnership with Parents

Date changed/reviewed: 13 February 2015.

Database reference: 1116

Its purpose is to support and sustain the development of an effective partnership between all parents/carers of children with special educational needs, as well as the voluntary organisations which represent them, schools and Surrey Local Education Authority (LEA).

Library Services and County Information Centre

Date changed/reviewed: 13 February 2015.

Database reference: 271

See website for further information.

Deaf Services Team - Surrey County Council

Date changed/reviewed: 13 February 2015.

Remap - Technical Equipment for Disabled People

Date changed/reviewed: 13 February 2015.

Database reference: 1193

Remap is a national registered charity that has, for 40 years, provided one-off technical aids which help disabled people of all ages to enjoy a better lifestyle. Every aid is given free of charge to the user.

Disability Rights Bulletin published by the Disability Alliance

Date changed/reviewed: 11 February 2015.

Database reference: 1215

Disability Alliance (DA), publishers of the Disability Rights Handbook, is regarded as the leading authority on social security benefits for disabled people.

Cherchefelle Housing Association

Date changed/reviewed: 11 February 2015.

Database reference: 1159

Cherchefelle provide Supported Housing to people with mental illness or learning disabilities and young people leaving care.

They also house older persons in Sheltered Housing and have a well established Outreach Service working with vulnerable people living in their own homes and in temporary accommodation.

In addition they provide a Welfare Benefits Advice Service, assisting people to apply for and receive the benefits they deserve and also provide a Domiciliary Care Service - Cherchefelle Premier Homecare. Click on the web link below for full details.


Care Homes in Surrey listed by Care Choices

Date changed/reviewed: 11 February 2015.

Talking Newspapers

Date changed/reviewed: 28 October 2012.

Database reference: 87

Social Information on Disability - SID

Date changed/reviewed: 28 October 2012.

Database reference: 276

Local information reference:

Information on living with a disability.

SCILL - Disability Information for people in Sutton

Date changed/reviewed: 28 October 2012.

Database reference: 274

SCILL is an Independent Living Centre that provides a range of imaginative services for disabled people in the London Borough of Sutton. The aim of all the services is to promote independence.

Royal National Institute for the Blind

Date changed/reviewed: 28 October 2012.

Database reference: 85

RNIB is the UK’s leading charity offering information, support and advice to over two million people with sight problems.

RNID BT Typetalk

Date changed/reviewed: 28 October 2012.

Database reference: 234

RNID Typetalk is the only national telephone relay service which enables deaf, deafblind, deafened, hard of hearing and speech-impaired people to communicate with hearing people anywhere in the world.

Red Cross

Date changed/reviewed: 28 October 2012.

Queen Elizabeth Foundation for the Disabled

Date changed/reviewed: 28 October 2012.

Database reference: 272

Local information reference:

The charity serves thousands of disabled people annually. The Foundation works to equip disabled people with skills to increase their independence, mobility, and help them into employment.

Multiple Sclerosis Society

Date changed/reviewed: 28 October 2012.

Database reference: 1302

MIND - mental health charity

Date changed/reviewed: 28 October 2012.

Database reference: 1148

Mind is the leading mental health charity in England and Wales. They work to create a better life for everyone with experience of mental distress.

Mencap Helpline

Date changed/reviewed: 28 October 2012.

Database reference: 1120

Learning disability helpline, which is run by Mencap.

Meals on Wheels

Date changed/reviewed: 28 October 2012.

Database reference: 1025

Provides hot or frozen meals. 'A la carte' menu and special dietary needs are catered for.

Kids Out - Helpline & Information Service Plus

Date changed/reviewed: 28 October 2012.

Database reference: 269

KidsOut is a registered national charity that provides fun and happiness for disadvantaged and special needs children across the UK. The children helped come from all manner of backgrounds. Some have learning difficulties or are physically disabled, while others are seriously deprived or abused. Whatever their circumstances, the children deserve fun and laughter in their lives.


Date changed/reviewed: 28 October 2012.

Database reference: 919

Local information reference:

Provide loans to people over 60 or with disabilities, to improve or adapt their homes.

Houseproud is run by a group of “not-for-profit” organisations headed by the local Council. Their sole aim is to help homeowners lto continue to live safely and independently in their own homes.

Tourism for all

Date changed/reviewed: 28 October 2012.

Database reference: 266

Disabled Living Foundation

Date changed/reviewed: 28 October 2012.

Database reference: 1232

The Disabled Living Foundation (DLF) is a national charity that provides free, impartial advice about all types of equipment to older and disabled people, their carers and families.

Dial-a-Ride / Dial-a-Bus (Epsom & Ewell Route Call)

Date changed/reviewed: 28 October 2012.

Database reference: 92

Local information reference:

Route Call is a transport service operated by Epsom & Ewell Council for its residents who are unable to use public transport through disability or are over 60 or referred by their GP.

Cherry Trees

Date changed/reviewed: 28 October 2012.

Database reference: 1039

Provides short-term care in a home-style environment for children and young people up to 18 years old, who have learning disabilities/and or physical disabilities.

Benefits Agency Helplines

Date changed/reviewed: 28 October 2012.

Autism & Asperger's syndrome - The Springs Community

Date changed/reviewed: 28 October 2012.

Database reference: 1164

The Springs Community is registered to provide a home for 27 residents. Referrals are accepted through local authorities from all over the country. The terms of our registration allow us to accept individuals between the ages of 16 and 65 years of age.

Action for Blind People

Date changed/reviewed: 28 October 2012.

Database reference: 1293

Action for Blind People is one of the largest charities in the UK working with blind and partially sighted people to enable them to transform their lives.

They provide advocacy services, advice on housing, benefits, employment and a signposting service to people with visual impairment.

Clients can be referred by various agencies including CAB or self referral. Telephone the local team to arrange an interview or home visit.


Date changed/reviewed: 28 October 2012.

Database reference: 870

Independent professional advocacy for people with learning difficulties.

Association of National Specialist Colleges - Education for those with disabilities

Date changed/reviewed: 21 June 2007.

Database reference: 311

Directory in Blue Magazine Box

Members of NATSPEC work in partnership with other to offer the widest choice of innovative, high quality, cost-effective education, training and support to match the inclusive learning needs of young people with learning difficulties and disabilities as they prepare for the next stage of their lives.